What Do Professional Painters Look for?

The art of painting has evolved to incorporate new equipment and technology. These improvements have made the work of professional Long Island painters easier and increased quality. Not to mention the reduced amount of hours spent on one job. So what are the tools that professional painters absolutely cannot do without? What do professional painters look for? Let have a look;

1. Roller Sleeves

You’ve probably seen painters using a roller. It makes covering large surfaces faster and more effective. Without a roller sleeve to hold the roller in place, the painter would have difficulty controlling the stroke. A defective roller sleeve can let the roller fall off and make a mess. Roller sleeves also make switching between rollers for different color effects easier.

2. A Roller

Instead of using a brush which would take longer to finish a professional job, painters now use rollers to get the job done. Micro-fiber rollers give an even better finish compared to a brush paint job. There are many types of rollers in the market designed to provide different paint finishes. When choosing a roller, painters should consider durability, performance, and method of cleaning.

3. Paint Mixing Paddle

Some professional painters argue that mixing and prepping paint affects the durability of the finished paint job. If this is true, then the paint mixing paddle is a must-have for professional painters. It is an inexpensive tool that makes mixing paint effortless. If you decide to use contact matt emulsion to coat fresh plaster, you will need a paint paddle to dilute the paint with water. Why not use a stick, you ask? Well, a simple stick can easily add impurities to your paint, costing you money and time.

4. Wall Cleaner

No professional painter fancies working a dirty surface. Wall cleaner makes a painter’s job easier by allowing the paint to adhere to the surface. Surface cleaner gets all surface dirt off before painting starts.